Thursday, November 11, 2010


it wasn't a good week for alex. well, some of it was good but most of it was BAD! well, first of all, alex got his cast off. then, alex got STREP THROAT! [sad hugh.] and that follows to my mom who's as sick as a dog! most of u probably know why. and if u don't know, it's because she's preggy! we only found out a couple weeks ago. i'm really hoping that it's a girl. anyway, this week alex got SCARLET FEVER! if he is talking to me and he's looking in my eyes, i start laughing. his cheeks are looking scarlet, and he has a rash everywhere. when he looks at me,i can't take him seriously because he looks weird! well i got to go so,

BYE! love bailey ;D


  1. POOR ALEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Everyone needs to be extra careful so you don't get what Alex has!! Especially Amy - with the baby and all!!!

  3. Poor Alex!!! That is rinky stinky! ( please do not ask me what that means because I have no clue.) So you like Justin Bieber now? Hmm...

    Anyways, we HAVE to hang out soon! I haven't seen you in forever! And it IS almost Winter Break... Bluba scuba duba absa-fruitin-lutely howdy rowdy!!! (that is an exclamation of exclamation._

    Love you SOO much!!!
    Love Rayla
